Thursday, September 21, 2017

PLANWITHME: Weekly&Daily Setup Video

Last time I posted was a whiiiile ago and I really don't have much excuse for not doing so recently either.  I've just been in a huge slump as far as my art.  I haven't even sketched anything.  The most creativity I've had is doing those changes to my bullet journal.  I feel bad about it, but I know that will only discourage me in the long run, so I need to just forgive myself and move past it.  Once I regain some of my muse, there should be more here.  I have a reminder in my phone for something dumb I wanna sketch, but it's better than nothing. :P

But!  I recently did something a lot of people have been encouraging me to do for a while.  It was a bit difficult, I'll need to work on my filming setup, but I think it came out decent.  If I feel accomplished enough about this, maybe I'll do more in the future.  I already shot October by starting the spreads before even filming this woops.  Maybe November I'll do a monthly plan with me...

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