Monday, August 28, 2017

September (Syyskuu) Setup

It's been a really long while since I've done some major changes to my bullet journal, which is why I haven't posted much on it.  But with being unexpectedly disconnected from my computer longer than predicted and my recent move to Finland (thusly much bigger changes to routine and such), I needed to rework some stuff.  Some of it I hadn't expected either, but I'm suuuuper pleased with it overall.

This is a modified version of Boho Berry's moon/mood tracker.  When I first saw it, I knew it would work out super well for my monthly covers and here it is!  There will be some tweaks for October's (move the numbers to the outer ring, try to fit in the days of the week, colour changes, etc), but this is the look.

My usual monhly tasks/events page with a few extra Finnish tweaks to continue my learning.  This page is 100% a creation of mine and would appreciate credit if anyone uses it.  I'm so proud of it.

Then my completely overhauled monthly tracker page.  I wanted to ditch having to turn the book to fill in my habits and when I found the inspiration for that in a video by MyLifeinaBullet, she convinced me to try that mood tracker.  I haven't had much desire to and thought it was kind of silly, but I like the layout, so I'll see how it goes for me.

The highlights section is something I hope might help me out a bit in keeping myself motivated.  It's really hard for me to give myself credit for anything and I'm really good at belittling anything I do so...let's hope this helps me break that mentality.

My expenses page is another big change.  I didn't really need as much space in "description" as I somehow convinced myself I did, so shortening this helped me to find an area for jotting down grocery lists that won't fit in my weeklies (or anywhere else).  Then Mabon will be filled in sometime during September, that's most likely not going to change.  These particularly I want to match by the end of the year.

I'm pretty excited for September now with this overhaul.  It's really motivating to look a fresh, new spreads like this.  And it's filled the void left in being unable to continue art projects I don't have access to until my computer parts arrive. xD;  Then I'll be back to posting more regularly~