Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WiP - Luminenscent Choir [sketch]

 The sketch to a piece I'm currently laying out the flats for. :3 She looks a lot more natural in this one, but that's how it usually works. With any luck I'll actually have the skill to make this into a masterpiece~

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

[Bloodborne] CHOIR Magda Lis - first look LINEART

Magda is super smol so this Choir garb looks kinda funny on her lol. It's also missing a lot of the more intricate detailing, like on the hems and whatnot. Needless to say my hand really hurts 😂

"You're drowning from all of the tears in the sky;
It's a bad dream.
Can't even close your eyes;
It's a bad dream, a bad dream...
Screaming from a voice inside,
Running but you cannot find
A place, to hide, from the bad dream."

Baddream - Jakalope