Monday, October 17, 2016

#planwithmechallenge - Days 14-17

I've skipped two days, Goals and Experiments.  I feel the images would just be repeats, but I don't really have individual spreads for things as specific.  I'm also not a very goal-oriented person, as I'm sure I've said before... all you'd really see are lists, like things I plan to draw and write.  Experiments...well, this whole thing is one big experiment, isn't it?

Day 14: Adventures
I don't have the resources to go on very many of them, nor the time or energy most of the time, but the ones I do have are always memorable.  I have another Finland trip coming up in January too, though I'm not sure what kind of a spread I'll be doing for it.  Would be a bit bland to just draw this again with slightly different layovers pft.

Day 15: Self-Care
The whole point of my bullet journal is self-care, so here's the half-year review I did.  Gotta say, though the challenges are nice in theory, I'm not sure how positively they impacting my process, because I either feel like I skip too many or I don't have the time/energy and have to catch up all of the time.  Ehhh...

Day 16: Planning Tips
Intense planning isn't really a focus for me at the moment, more of a long term goal. So, unfortunately I don't have much to advise on the matter. Just take baby steps, if you're anything like me. I tend to be more in the moment due to my BPD.  Planning week-to-week is the best for me at the moment.

Day 17: Colours
I'm pretty fond of colour, and it has always been a part of my system. It always will be too.

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