Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Lineart - Magda Lis

So idk if I'll be colouring this one, at least not today.  Anyway, Magda Lis is a dark, sombre little OC with a long history in the medical and criminal fields.  She's a coroner's assistant, so she tends to see some pretty gruesome shit.  And even moreso in her night job as a part-time cleaner.  Cleaner meaning she cleans up murder sites - often times for mercenaries and criminals.  One wouldn't think so by looking at her, of course.  Naturally, she tends not to do a lot of the heavy-lifting, but she's got a lot of knowledge and with her connections to the coroner, she has valuable intel (for the right price, of course) too.

Enjoy her profile below O:

Full Name: Magda Lis
Alias: Mag
Age: 24 years
Date of Birth: September 19th (Virgo sun, Gemini moon)
Height/Weight: 5’ / 99lbs
Physical Appearance: Very small and slender albino girl who looks much younger than she is. Her white hair is long with straight-cut bangs that is worn loose casually, but pulled up out of her face and clamped back or pleated down the back when working. Her skin is completely pallid, her eyes pale and often blueish/lilac in shade. (Nastya Zhidkova faceclaim)
Nationality: Russian (of Russian and Polish lineage)
Birthplace: Polyarny, Murmansk Oblast, Russia
Job: Coroner’s Assistant, Cleaner

Bio: Magda, or Mag, is the middle child to a family reared in one of the northern-most cities in the arctic circle of Russia. With a Polish mother, the children were brought up knowing both languages, and due to a father dedicated to the military, the household was strict and orderly. Mag’s sense of duty and discipline carry over very much because of her father’s active participation in his family.

As expected of her, she was highly achieved in academics. With a keen interest in the medical field, philosophies on life and death, as well as criminal justice, she knew from a young age what she was interested in and where she would go in her life. She actively volunteered in hospitals and achieved college level credits in high school, and then jumped right into college immediately after graduating. She remained diligent throughout, easily gaining high marks, scholarships, and access to more prestige universities, even those overseas.

Once graduated with her associate’s, Mag settled on a program in the United States. First visiting and eventually moving to Washington DC for her bachelor’s in the medical field, she also got a job as the Coroner’s assistant. Life in the new country took some adjusting to, especially when it came to being approached for a new employment opportunity as a cleaner just a few years later…

Very focused and intelligent, Mag carries herself with a lot of grace and confidence. She knows what she knows very well and knows how she can utilize those skills most efficiently. She is extremely hard-working and enjoys her studies and jobs, tending to disregard a lot of personal well-being in the process.

Mag can be very detached from people due to her natural tendency to only connect with people on an industrious level. It has always been difficult to build lasting personal connections and often times she’s convinced herself she doesn’t need them.

Often skirting fine lines, Mag enjoys exercising cognitive dissonance through taking unpopular points of views and challenging the status quo. It shows through most in her cold and clinical way of viewing people, often breaking them down into habits through her analyses of them.

Albinism (aka. achromia, achromasia, or achromatosis): Albinism in humans is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin.

Albinism results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles and is known to affect all vertebrates, including humans. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers.

Mag has early-onset nystagmus due to albinism. Often called “dancing eyes,” nystagmus results from the instability or impairment of the system responsible for controlling eye movements and the eyes are unable to maintain a steady fixation. Thus her eyes involuntarily oscillate from side to side. Though she manages it through specialized contact lenses, medication, and surgery, there is no cure for nystagmus.

Because of her training in the medical field and her access to such resources, Mag’s condition isn’t constant and is very controlled. She has had surgery to reduce the frequency and aside from random spasms, most common triggers are fatigue and stress.

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