Friday, February 23, 2018

A Mentor's Wisdom

Guess what little shit is getting yet another lesson in trigger discipline?  This is why you get to stand in the front, damnit.

Idk if I’ll do any colour/background for this, I’ve been struggling enough with it.  I think it’s served its purpose as is.  It’s the first iteration of Lavrentiy and I gotta say I’m so very happy with it. <3

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

WiP - A Mentor's Wisdom

Slowly, steadily this comes together lol.  I’ve never drawn Lavrentiy before this so I’m pretty unsure of a lot (other than his gun lol).  With the magpie’s help, I’m getting some real official stuff on him - like the model of armor he wears and such.  It’s unfortunate that he’ll cover it all in a big coat PFT.  So much for all this work…

Monday, February 12, 2018

Comin For Ya

My son has returned home from the war ;___;  He's such a good boi. <3
Before I made my big move and got married and junk, I started a tumblr gig called Dämnit Dävid.  I planned to do more, but a lot of reasons came up and I didn't...but now it's time to try again~


Sophie loses her illusion of control over her brother woops
Based on this, of course

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

WiP - Višnja & Gun Bae

 Been workin’ on this for over a day now, but I’m starting to really feel the effects of this illness, so I can’t keep going today.  It’s Višnja cleaning her gun bae, lol.  GP-37 was my fav and so it is hers as well.  I always have a knack for drawing her with hair hair down and in just a tank top, but this is much more close to what she’d actually look like.  Got that diy kevlar sweater Lavrentiy made for her tiny ass and hair braided.  Not too pleased with here face atm, but…I’ll work it out, I guess.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Look-Alike OC Comparison - Višnja & Nika

The first thing I've properly arted in a long while.  Who knew I'd hit a mega depressive episode after getting married and moving to Finland, huh?

Anyway, I often have this paranoid thought in my head due to a lot of negative feedback from people I shouldn't be listening to that I'm just a piece of shit who can't make unique characters... so when I hit a giant S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mood and had to draw Višnja, I considered how she and Nika are quite similar - same basic concepts like the long, dark, messy hair, light coloured eyes, usually wearing their hair in a braid down the back, among other things.  I figured this could be a nice exercise for me, especially since I haven't been drawing much at all.

And I just plain needed to really sit down and put work into Višnja's details, because even though it's very clear in my head, it isn't anywhere in physical form.  Everything on Nika's side is from 2014, from a comparison sheet with two other OCs.  Good to see the only thing that's evolved all these years is my handwriting lol.