Monday, March 30, 2020

By Any Means Necessary

So it's been a hot minute since I've posted here.  There really isn't much I've done artistically since 2018 tbh XD It's just been a rough brain period that I'm really trying to push through... so here's something I did for my twitch recently :P

Every time I look at it I get a little less satisfied with it LUL.  So, I might end up going back to it to fix the shading.  Shading and I got a lot of beef.  But!  This is a self portrait, because I guess it's now my brand to pick up pallets in Dead by Daylight now X'D

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Speed Draw: Anika Draw Dump

Funny how the hardest part about making these has quickly become finding copyright free music for them lo.  The video itself was done the same day I posted the drawing, but it took me that long to find music I liked and could use :'D  Amazing.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

WiP - Another Summer Outfit For Anika

I have recently become hyper-fixated on a certain character from a certain game and how does Lisi deal with hyper-fixation???  Put one of my OCs in direct conflict with them lol.  So thoughts about their interactions got me to dumping some sketches out, as much.

What even are legs, I'll never know... aaahhh

Started with this one, clearly, because the most static pose is usually where I start.  I'm trying to really get her bottom-heaviness, because I intended for her to be more pear-shaped in contrast to a lot of my tiny, sylph-y girls...

And then I feel like I really got that down when I poured a piece of my soul into this one.  I liked the sketch from the start, even if I'm still queasy about the leg proportions. xD  Also I like the hair, of course...and shirt~

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Personal [Hide or Die] Decal

The digital version of an old piece from last year that I posted last month. It's missing the mushroom and flower accents, because I'm using this as a decal design for a game I backed on Kickstarter. So it needed to be a lot cleaner and simpler. I'm glad for how it turned out. Hope it's simple enough 😂. It doesn't have that blue background either, but transparency just turns black here on Instagram so...

Monday, July 2, 2018

Darkwood Doodle Dump

A handful of the doodles from the stream O: Gave myself a new Protag headcanon in the process. You can see it pretty well in the most detailed (with the shotgun).

Bonus shitty lineart attempt:

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Throwback WiP - Eternal Darkness

I found this lost in my big art folder and I'm honestly impressed at how well I was doing for 5/19/2013.  Like, I even got Alex's figure down pretty well and the hands...I think I do hands worse than I used to lol.  I love the magickal circle too.  I was doing the effects nicely... and to think, I hated this back when I was doing it, which is why I never finished :/

Maybe eventually I'll go back to it.  Or maybe I'll just redo most of it entirely XD