Thursday, January 19, 2017

Belated Yulemas Gift

I have no idea why I sometimes think I can paint...because I really cannot, lol.

In any case, this is for the mother of my magpie ♥  She says she is fond of willow tits and though they've lost their fluffiness in translation from pencil to paint, I think you can still see what I was going for. xD; I really like birch trees, also...just saying. and the colour blue lol

I can't wait to give this to her when I arrive to stay :3

Friday, January 13, 2017

Height Check

Excuse me while I hack off my left arm from how bad it hurts thanks to this (and the progress on Mag's reference sheet looool)

Anyway, this was only gonna be Magda and Illian, but damnit Oliver just wanted to be there too so here he is <3 The contrast between the three of them pleases me so so much.

I also own Mag's shirt lol  The designs are tiny trees casting colourful shadows and I love it so much.

Magda © Me / Illian © Heichukar / Oliver © Erneli

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trade - Damic

It's a day late, but!  I feel I make up for it in quality ;)
Lmfao or not, idk, I just hope she likes it and that I managed to do Damic a bit of justice.  Holy crap, dat cape tho <3
Good smol pretty thing *pat*

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Throwback - Lisica / Naali

At the time of creation, this was known as Lisica.  It was a bit after adopting the handle.  She's the very beginning of the vulpes ramus idea, and something like an avatar for myself, I guess.  Just an emaciated, ragged arctic vixen...

I have a Valentine's idea that involves this, which is why I ended up digging it up. You'll be seeing a bit more of her pretty soon~  I've decided that since I am Lisica, this will be Naali.

Lineart - Daaammiiccc (Birthday Trade)

So, I suggested a birthday art trade with Erneli sometime before Yulemas since both of our birthdays are in January. ;P Hers is actually today!  And I was hoping to have this done today!  We'll see how that goes... lol

I do plan to colour it (and have started), but I really enjoy the lineart.  First lineart in a whiiiiile that I like. <3 This is her bby boy Damic, he is smol and noble~

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Birthday Magpie

Happy birthday to my lovely magpie <3
It's been a very long while since I've taken out the coloured pencils, so I'm sorry it's not terribly good :I  Part of me almost thinks it should've stayed black and white, buuuuut I wanted it to be special so!  Here it is!

I'm at least super pleased with the magpie :P  Naturally, I'd fuck up the fox though lol

Monday, January 9, 2017

WiP - Višnja Lusk Reference

I hope to have this and her official file done within the week. >:I  Don't let my depression destroy my muse like it has been lately aaaghh..  I have so much to do before my trip and I can't even bring myself to start >.<

I'm much more pleased with the coat now that I've referenced the original coat I was inspired by instead of trying to half-ass it from memory lol.  Also waaay better gun holster on the leg.  Yes yes.

Next I give her the big gun >:3  Stay tuned <3  And hopefully some colour will happen...

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Throwback - 2011 Višnja

Since my last posts were of Višnja, I'm currently re-playing the series, and I finally got back from the post-holiday funk I usually get into, I figured I'd start 2017 off with a throwback to the aaaawwful work I did for her back when I'd made her. :P

2011, I can barely believe it was that long ago.  Girl's going through a lot of changes recently...of course, that gun's a staple. 8)