Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Drunken Redraw

I was sipping on some rum + dr. pepper last night while in Don't Starve with buddies.  After we'd finished up for the night an old friend of mine on deviantart mentioned old Condemned OCs and my girl Jackie enabled the fuck out of my idea to redraw's the drunk version. XD

I say "drunk version" because there will be a sober version, but's not done yet.  As you can see, I couldn't be fucked to trim off how the places where the canvas was bigger than the original image pft.

Honestly, not bad for being drunk.  I did already start the sober version, and it's quite a bit departed from the original (wanted a better perspective, this one just gave me too much shit).  Look back on this now though, I'm considering just going over this one (new lineart, better painting, etc).

We'll see what I eventually end up with, lol.

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