Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Courtship - and Other Naali & Harakka Pieces

Forgot to post this here woops.  Look at flirty, handsome Harakka showing off his beautiful feathers/wings to the horned fox lady. x3  This took a fuckton of time to do, mostly because I was trying to fight my urge to rush everything in one go.  I came out great, but damn...mostly the trees were slow to come out. xD  One day I'll learn to put leaves on them! lol

Really trying to work on my settings...too many empty backgrounds.  If I ever hope to do some quality illustrations of these two, I gotta fix that...and find some more creativity for the stories.  Got a few brewing up soon, though...I might end up writing small things for them first to really get an image in my mind's eye.

The second one, "Sienestäjät" is newest, but I haven't felt like digging the scanner out of the pit right now, so I just snapped a shitty photo with my tablet. :P  Probably see it in another post down the line of the proper scan, woop.

And then a random affection sketch of Naali and Harakka.  Most of a random, spontaneous little thing to practice them more.  Harakka can be pretty challenging sometimes, because of how dark everything it just tends to blend all the finer details I want.  Gonna have to work on that.

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