Thursday, December 1, 2016

Magda Stand Alone

It’s not one of the two things I’ve been meaning to do with Magda, but it is a stepping stone in getting them done. :B  I’ve been having difficulty getting her right, so here’s a piece of her sheet I’ve decided to do.  What better way to teach yourself to draw your own character than a study sheet? Lol

I mainly wanted to nail her “main” outfit with this.  Her style is like dark-mori-meets-business, if that makes any sense.  Lots of darks, neutrals, and earthy to contrast her albino-ness.

Speaking of albino, holy shit is it hard to really nail that down.  Practice practice~  Soon she will have a proper portrait, and I’ve got a special piece in mind for a friend ;)

I ended up re-doing her almost immediately after posting the left one, so she’s…either albino or a ghost, idk lol.  It definitely closer to the mark than before, however haha.  Also, hello more in-depth shading and highlights.

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