Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Speed Draw: Anika Draw Dump

Funny how the hardest part about making these has quickly become finding copyright free music for them lo.  The video itself was done the same day I posted the drawing, but it took me that long to find music I liked and could use :'D  Amazing.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

WiP - Another Summer Outfit For Anika

I have recently become hyper-fixated on a certain character from a certain game and how does Lisi deal with hyper-fixation???  Put one of my OCs in direct conflict with them lol.  So thoughts about their interactions got me to dumping some sketches out, as much.

What even are legs, I'll never know... aaahhh

Started with this one, clearly, because the most static pose is usually where I start.  I'm trying to really get her bottom-heaviness, because I intended for her to be more pear-shaped in contrast to a lot of my tiny, sylph-y girls...

And then I feel like I really got that down when I poured a piece of my soul into this one.  I liked the sketch from the start, even if I'm still queasy about the leg proportions. xD  Also I like the hair, of course...and shirt~

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Personal [Hide or Die] Decal

The digital version of an old piece from last year that I posted last month. It's missing the mushroom and flower accents, because I'm using this as a decal design for a game I backed on Kickstarter. So it needed to be a lot cleaner and simpler. I'm glad for how it turned out. Hope it's simple enough 😂. It doesn't have that blue background either, but transparency just turns black here on Instagram so...

Monday, July 2, 2018

Darkwood Doodle Dump

A handful of the doodles from the stream O: Gave myself a new Protag headcanon in the process. You can see it pretty well in the most detailed (with the shotgun).

Bonus shitty lineart attempt:

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Throwback WiP - Eternal Darkness

I found this lost in my big art folder and I'm honestly impressed at how well I was doing for 5/19/2013.  Like, I even got Alex's figure down pretty well and the hands...I think I do hands worse than I used to lol.  I love the magickal circle too.  I was doing the effects nicely... and to think, I hated this back when I was doing it, which is why I never finished :/

Maybe eventually I'll go back to it.  Or maybe I'll just redo most of it entirely XD

WiP - 11 Years of DevART

It's messy as fuck, but I'm happy with the start~  Been a good minute since I drew Kali over there, but I'm thoroughly pleased.  Anika's lineart is done too, so next up is special boi, Dävid <3


Tuesday, June 12, 2018


"Trichotillomania," also called hair-pulling disorder, is a mental disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows or other areas of your body, despite trying to stop.

When I was much, much younger I used to suffer terribly from this disorder. I used to pull my eyelashes, my eyebrows, and hair from the direct top of my head. I had a bald spot at the crest of my head and today there are gaps in my eyelashes. It was one of the earliest signs of my mental disorder. 

I've mostly recovered from this, usually managing to just pull on my hair rather than pulling it out, but of course if you pull enough it's just going to come out anyway. I'm grateful I don't do it as much as I used to anymore.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Lineart - Perk: Channel

I tried to colour it, but the lineart before this was still too messy to pull it off.  So, have the super extra clean lineart now :’D

Friday, June 1, 2018

WIP - Lineart - Perk: Channel

Somewhere between sketch and lineart here xD  Went faster than expected to.  I'll have to refine all the details before getting to the colour... or maybe I'll just hop to colour, who knows?

Thursday, May 31, 2018

WIP - Perk: Channel

In Anika’s DbD verse she has a perk called “channel” where she cleanses faster and when she cleanses a hex, the global notification (the thunder and shit) doesn’t go off.  Hope she’s almost done :’)

Looking up references for me pose, all I fuckin get is sexual ladies in similar positions and I'm just so damn tired of that shit.  So tired of how everything is sexual, especially with women.  Jesus christ.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Speed Paint: Anika's Dead By Daylight Attire

It's been a long time since I've made one of these and this one took at least three pieces of my shattered soul to produce. :'D Please enjoy, give feedback, but be gentle with me I'm fragile lol

OBS recorded in .flv and window movie maker couldn't fuckin fathom the file type, so I went in search of a way to convert the three very large videos.  I downloaded/installed a codec which ended up wrecking three programs prompting me to immediately assume it was malware and uninstall it.  Then I proceeded to figure out what to do to fix the three programs for three hours.

I lost my Firefox profile, got a headache trying to figure out why Discord wasn't properly uninstalling, panicked over my system restores failing twice (still worried about that one), and straight up ditched OneDrive because it kept opening the folder upon startup and there seemed to be no fix in sight.

All this just to find out VLC converts file types :'D  Which then took probably three more hours or so to do.  Followed by cautious and terrifying handpicking of the royalty free music.  Kill me.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Throwback - Booker's Problem

I am saddened by my lack of motivation for art recently. :c  It tends to happen to me often.  I'll get periods of art block and everything I do I hate.  So, here's a throwback to boost my activity here and perhaps inspire myself to get into it more.

This is an old Bioshock Infinite gag from when I played the game. X'D  I'm sure it's been done many times over...

Comic Sketch - An Edgy Ballad of Nokia Phones

Look, all I’m saying is that the torch on Anika’s Nokia 5 could be a weapon in and of itself…and Simon should get in on it with an upgrade.  I’ve been sitting on this notion for a literal 5-6 months.  Since I first activated the torch on my Nokia 5. :’D  It had essentially the same effect.

Will I finish this?  Unlikely…but perhaps we’ll be surprised on day lmfao

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WiP - Luminenscent Choir [sketch]

 The sketch to a piece I'm currently laying out the flats for. :3 She looks a lot more natural in this one, but that's how it usually works. With any luck I'll actually have the skill to make this into a masterpiece~

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

[Bloodborne] CHOIR Magda Lis - first look LINEART

Magda is super smol so this Choir garb looks kinda funny on her lol. It's also missing a lot of the more intricate detailing, like on the hems and whatnot. Needless to say my hand really hurts 😂

"You're drowning from all of the tears in the sky;
It's a bad dream.
Can't even close your eyes;
It's a bad dream, a bad dream...
Screaming from a voice inside,
Running but you cannot find
A place, to hide, from the bad dream."

Baddream - Jakalope

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dead By Daylight Anika

Anika in her DeadByDaylight iteration. Since I've been playing with a buncha DbD blogs on Anika's RP blog and it was necessary. Now looking at this, there should've been a bloodied version for her prestige reward lol.

But! The reason there's two is because I wanted to really show what that neat shirt is like. It's one of my personal favourites to wear, though it's lacking some designs on the hood. It's a cyberdog piece 😉

Friday, February 23, 2018

A Mentor's Wisdom

Guess what little shit is getting yet another lesson in trigger discipline?  This is why you get to stand in the front, damnit.

Idk if I’ll do any colour/background for this, I’ve been struggling enough with it.  I think it’s served its purpose as is.  It’s the first iteration of Lavrentiy and I gotta say I’m so very happy with it. <3

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

WiP - A Mentor's Wisdom

Slowly, steadily this comes together lol.  I’ve never drawn Lavrentiy before this so I’m pretty unsure of a lot (other than his gun lol).  With the magpie’s help, I’m getting some real official stuff on him - like the model of armor he wears and such.  It’s unfortunate that he’ll cover it all in a big coat PFT.  So much for all this work…

Monday, February 12, 2018

Comin For Ya

My son has returned home from the war ;___;  He's such a good boi. <3
Before I made my big move and got married and junk, I started a tumblr gig called Dämnit Dävid.  I planned to do more, but a lot of reasons came up and I didn't...but now it's time to try again~


Sophie loses her illusion of control over her brother woops
Based on this, of course

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

WiP - Višnja & Gun Bae

 Been workin’ on this for over a day now, but I’m starting to really feel the effects of this illness, so I can’t keep going today.  It’s ViÅ¡nja cleaning her gun bae, lol.  GP-37 was my fav and so it is hers as well.  I always have a knack for drawing her with hair hair down and in just a tank top, but this is much more close to what she’d actually look like.  Got that diy kevlar sweater Lavrentiy made for her tiny ass and hair braided.  Not too pleased with here face atm, but…I’ll work it out, I guess.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Look-Alike OC Comparison - Višnja & Nika

The first thing I've properly arted in a long while.  Who knew I'd hit a mega depressive episode after getting married and moving to Finland, huh?

Anyway, I often have this paranoid thought in my head due to a lot of negative feedback from people I shouldn't be listening to that I'm just a piece of shit who can't make unique characters... so when I hit a giant S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mood and had to draw ViÅ¡nja, I considered how she and Nika are quite similar - same basic concepts like the long, dark, messy hair, light coloured eyes, usually wearing their hair in a braid down the back, among other things.  I figured this could be a nice exercise for me, especially since I haven't been drawing much at all.

And I just plain needed to really sit down and put work into ViÅ¡nja's details, because even though it's very clear in my head, it isn't anywhere in physical form.  Everything on Nika's side is from 2014, from a comparison sheet with two other OCs.  Good to see the only thing that's evolved all these years is my handwriting lol.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Dead By Candlelight

A birthday gift for my bestie, Matt. 8)  I’m so glad to have been requested to draw this evil prick, I’ve needed an excuse to draw him for a while~  Bonus gif because there were specific requests that didn’t quite come out in the whole drawing.  Also, how could I not???  Happy birthday, buddy!