Monday, December 19, 2016

Sketch Dump - Višnja Lusk

Recent conversations and a cool new website have led me to dig deep within my OC pit and pull out ancient dear ones.  For a while I was fixated on Nika, because she among my longest running and favourite OCs. ♥

But then there's the underappreciated Višnja Lusk~  I was still pretty terrible at art when I was drawing for her, so I'm rather happy with my recent throwback to her. :)  Her face looks much more like I imagined it initially, now that I have some ability to render it.

I plan to do much more of her, as this isn't her full/normal outfit. I just wanted to nail down her physique and whatnot. :P I'm really happy with her hair, I used to hate it because of how flat it always came out, bleh. Can't wait to put the big gun back in her hands too. ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kindle is OFFENDED

Practice, practice~ Still trying to work through this funk I'm in :I  And I really like Kindle's design and colours, so he was a perfect victim! I hope Erpa doesn't mind o3o

This honestly wasn't even supposed to be as paint-y as it is XD It was supposed to just be a silly coloured sketch buuuuut I got pretty into it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

WiP - Calling Down the Moon

I fiiiiinally got around to this. Still not entirely the image I had in mind, had more dynamic aspirations, but for now it'll do. Maybe one day I'll even finish it. :B

I'm always torn between the Don't Starve style and my slightly more realistic one. :/  Woop

Ps, if anybody would like to entertain the idea of me streaming my work on this (or anything else really), let me know, because I decided to dust off my picarto and wanna maybe get back to that stuff :I). So yea. Show me some interest so I know.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

Throwback - the Oro Girl

I found this old gem (lol) sitting at the bottom of my folder when I organised it to do the art summary.  I'm honestly pretty impressed with what I was up to on July 3rd of 2012.  This is an ancient Condemned OC that was a super self-insert for a long time.  I did a lot of my favourite writing for her, because I actually had someone drawing with me and interested in reading what I wrote for her.  Super motivating to have a friend enabling you, you know? Lol.

I keep meaning to step back to some of this, maybe clean up some of the things.  Then again, I have that in mind for most of my old stuff.  Wish I had more time and motivation for it all.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

WiP - Hoodneck

Idk whatthefuck I'm doing here lol

WiP - Shameless Self-Portrait

Shameless self-portrait-in-progress to really drive home the point that I need to get my digital-painting shit together.

Lisi's Art Summary 2016

[view on DeviantArt]

Hello Don't Starve font lol
I didn't finish, like, anything this year hahaha I sketched and sketched, but it got me nowhere. Aahhhh whatever.
Technically the pencil drawings are finished. They were meant to be that way so :I Yep.

But I want to make that the first resolution I've ever taken on for the New Year: I want to get back into the painting I used to do. Essentially, "finish" more stuff. I tend to stick in the concept stage and lose interest. It's a pretty bad habit, but I'm willing to chalk it up to some really awful things that happened over the span of March 2015 to about mid-2016. A lot of stuff has changed in my head and it has very clearly effected the rest of my life.

I've officially started a new chapter of my life though...and I think things are going to be alright. Maybe.

Some of these haven't even been posted yet because they're wip still. :P Like November's. Also, at least two of those months didn't produce anything I was proud of, so I used work from the following month. Whatever, really.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sketch Dump - Calling Down The Moon

Did a bunch of quick sketches of Wiebke and the moon dial, because I'm in love with this object and the moon, know.  One of them is going to be a pose for my fancy final, but I'm undecided.  Honestly, I like all of them except for the top-right, but even that can be worked on.

Maybe I should just do them all lol.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Inked - Filofax Dashboard

Took a bit of willpower to get me there, but here's the finished physical piece!  I'm super fucking proud of it.  I'm pushing myself outside of my comfort zones by pursuing mediums I usually avoid, like lining anything with an actual pen, lol.  Also put that grey mildliner to work. ;)

I'm going to scan it eventually, and put it through some proper line-work in photoshop.  Then I'll figure out how to get it printed to some cardstock, maybe laminate it.  Just need it to divide properly as a binder insert, you know?  Not sure what I'm going to do with all the empty space too, hmmm...

November Journal Calendar

I've had this finished for a few days now, but forgot to get pictures. :x  My bad.

There were almost six days I really struggled with, because I just have "sleep days" where I really need to catch up on my rest due to being very unable to find a good routine in that regard.  I'm not really intending to change that, because it works for me, but it does make this a little hard when I've done nothing but that lol.

And then I'm really less inclined to write in negative days, even though I know I should.  The 1st and the 17th being big ones in this month.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Best Thing I've Drawn All Year

Almost forgot about this gem right here...lmfao.  Done with DeviantArt's muro.  It's literally the second thing I've ever done using it.  hahahahaha

WiP - Filofax Dashboard

A wip of a dashboard design for my filofax binder-journal. :3  It’s far from complete, I plan to throw in a ton of mushrooms and flowers and junk too, but I really like where this went. ♥

Magda Stand Alone

It’s not one of the two things I’ve been meaning to do with Magda, but it is a stepping stone in getting them done. :B  I’ve been having difficulty getting her right, so here’s a piece of her sheet I’ve decided to do.  What better way to teach yourself to draw your own character than a study sheet? Lol

I mainly wanted to nail her “main” outfit with this.  Her style is like dark-mori-meets-business, if that makes any sense.  Lots of darks, neutrals, and earthy to contrast her albino-ness.

Speaking of albino, holy shit is it hard to really nail that down.  Practice practice~  Soon she will have a proper portrait, and I’ve got a special piece in mind for a friend ;)

I ended up re-doing her almost immediately after posting the left one, so she’s…either albino or a ghost, idk lol.  It definitely closer to the mark than before, however haha.  Also, hello more in-depth shading and highlights.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

WiP - Season of Orphans

I beat Seasons After Fall a few hours ago and it gave me super inspiration for a subject I briefly touched on with Erpa last night. :P  So, this happened.  I'll most likely use this to piece together my mythical Vulpes Ramus, but for now it's just a normal baby fox.  Maybe orphaned and left only with birb guardians, aww...

Oliver for Erpa

This one drew my Magda last night and I didn't get the chance to properly thank her so I sketched up her Oliver. :D

It would have been a tablet drawing if I'd had time, but I didn't.  And I couldn't wait, so I took advantage of my breaks at work.  Yeeeee~ I hope I did alright. :U  I did it from memory so if there's any inaccuracies, I am sorry. I hope she likes it.

Oliver © Erpa

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

VulpesRamus Avatar

Guess what I finally did...

Lineart - Magda Lis

So idk if I'll be colouring this one, at least not today.  Anyway, Magda Lis is a dark, sombre little OC with a long history in the medical and criminal fields.  She's a coroner's assistant, so she tends to see some pretty gruesome shit.  And even moreso in her night job as a part-time cleaner.  Cleaner meaning she cleans up murder sites - often times for mercenaries and criminals.  One wouldn't think so by looking at her, of course.  Naturally, she tends not to do a lot of the heavy-lifting, but she's got a lot of knowledge and with her connections to the coroner, she has valuable intel (for the right price, of course) too.

Enjoy her profile below O:

WiP - Magda Lis Under Appreciated OC

Caught Magda feels lately so here's a sketch I'm working on of her O:  Hard to tell at this stage, but she's super albino.  More on her in the post for the finished piece.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Teaser - Wiebke w/ Umbrella

Don't have time to finish right now, must sleep.  So here is a teaser of what I'm doing. ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Self Portrait - Vulpes Ramus

For the size and complexity of this, it took me entirely too long to do pft.  Not counting the fact that I just took the head off of an old drawing I did for someone I'm no longer friends with, lol.

I'm in the process of inventing my own fox species because I keep drawing foxes/fox skulls with antlers, so I might as well stop half-assing it and get to work.  Name is a slight work in progress as I haven't gotten to properly make it, but for now... probably gonna end up with a humanoid version (like this) just to satisfy myself tbh.

Me as I often see myself in my head (when I'm not the drippy-eyed smiley-faced messy sketch).

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Throwback - Cirrina

More throwback due to inactivity wooo~  Haven't really been feeling great lately.  Experiencing a lot of lethargy and quasi-sick in my gut.  Hopefully it passed now that my weekend is here.

Thought I'd go into a bit of a process for this. Keeps things interesting. :P This is how I usually do things digitally.  Although I tend not to do such shading as on the last one often, this was more of an exercise to see if I could manage that style.  I generally prefer to "paint," per se.  Still, I consider it one of my more successful finishes. :>

Friday, November 4, 2016

Fox Avatar

I thought it was about time I updated my DevArt avatar and had an old self-sketch as a fox laying around...

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October Journal Calendar

I ended up shifting the days on this one, because I think it's ridiculous to try and squeeze in half-boxes for the end days when I have more than enough boxes to work with.  So, excuse the fact that it doesn't start on Sunday or Monday.

It's a lot less colourful than the last two months, but still fun. :P  I didn't expect too much colour, considering the

Sunday, October 30, 2016

WiP - Hallowe'en 2k16 (colours)

Aprina's got a sharper face than I gave her in the sketch/lineart, so during the colour process I ended up just changing almost completely.  Lifted her chin, gave a bit more of a powerful feel, methinks.  I'm unhappy with how I do skin in general, so I think I'd just leave it here where I can tolerate it before I ruin it and refuse to finish lol.

Time to start the clothes and maybe not fuck it up.  Hopefully this will be done by tomorrow!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Lineart - Hallowe'en 2k16

Aprina's first appearance in quite a while, it seems. Being a Real Life Witch™ as a witch for Hallowe'en. I'm pretty excited to get this coloured, because this doesn't really do it justice.  Especially the pumpkin.  Oh man.

WiP - Hallowe'en 2k16

Something really lit a fire under my ass when I woke up today, so I opened up an old, unfinished thing for a previous Halloween and decided to start it over and make it better. :B

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Throwback - Ainé Sketch Dump

It's that time again!  Time to keep up appearances and toss up another throwback since I've been pretty lacking in the drawing department.  And I'm quickly coming to hate the plan with me challenge...I think I expect too much of myself. :I

So!  Have this here~  It's an old OC set in the Magic the Gathering setting.  Very short-lived and ultimately recycled a lot of concepts elsewhere, but I enjoyed her. :>

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

#planwithmechallenge - Days 14-17

I've skipped two days, Goals and Experiments.  I feel the images would just be repeats, but I don't really have individual spreads for things as specific.  I'm also not a very goal-oriented person, as I'm sure I've said before... all you'd really see are lists, like things I plan to draw and write.  Experiments...well, this whole thing is one big experiment, isn't it?

Day 14: Adventures
I don't have the resources to go on very many of them, nor the time or energy most of the time, but the ones I do have are always memorable.  I have another Finland trip coming up in January too, though I'm not sure what kind of a spread I'll be doing for it.  Would be a bit bland to just draw this again with slightly different layovers pft.

Day 15: Self-Care
The whole point of my bullet journal is self-care, so here's the half-year review I did.  Gotta say, though the challenges are nice in theory, I'm not sure how positively they impacting my process, because I either feel like I skip too many or I don't have the time/energy and have to catch up all of the time.  Ehhh...

Day 16: Planning Tips
Intense planning isn't really a focus for me at the moment, more of a long term goal. So, unfortunately I don't have much to advise on the matter. Just take baby steps, if you're anything like me. I tend to be more in the moment due to my BPD.  Planning week-to-week is the best for me at the moment.

Day 17: Colours
I'm pretty fond of colour, and it has always been a part of my system. It always will be too.

Friday, October 14, 2016

WiP - Warframe Operator

About as far as I managed to get before I got upset by something and couldn't continue bleh

Warframe Operator Sketch

Guess who likes their operator in Warframe a lot more than they thought they would...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

#planwithmechallenge - Day 10 & Day 11

Day 10: Journaling
Fashionably late, as always. The reason behind why my dailies get chaotic is exactly this. I do a bit of traditional journaling there to dump and process mentally. This week didn't even manage to stay on these two pages. I usually get it to.

Day 11: Just4Fun
Aside from these challenges, this is probably my biggest and most involved "just4fun" ;P

Sunday, October 9, 2016

#planwithmechallenge - Day 6, Day 7, & Day 8

Hustling to catch up on these.  I've been doing them as I should, the problem is I just haven't been posting them as I do them, pft.  It's alright, I guess.  I think I'd prefer not to have tons of consecutive posts in a row on it.  At least not here.

Day 6: My "Why"
Crudely scrawled, but pretty much self explanatory. I don't currently study and I'm not a hugely busy. I do this to minimize dissociative tendencies, to track my BPD cycles, and dispel my most problematic coping mechanism, memory loss.


Day 7: Favourite Tools
By far, the most commonly used tools are my Faber-Castell Pitt artist pens, my ruler, and my gel pens. Mildliners are starting to play a bigger role in my journal more recently.


Day 8: Sidekicks
I do a lot of messy note-taking in here (even though I showed a neat page lol). I get a bunch of thoughts at work too, so I needed something small that would fit in my pocket.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Commission - Birthday Mermaid

Been a while since I've had a proper commission. Even longer since I've painted! :D But I'm pretty pleased with it. ♥

Wednesday, October 5, 2016



I'm irritated

#planwithmechallenge - Day 5: Holiday Planning


I try to do a brief fact sheet for them with my personal plans for the day. Admittedly, I tend to celebrate alone and in smaller ways, eg. targeted tarot readings. I'm pretty solitary.